İvrindi Gold and Silver Operation

İvrindi Gold and Silver Operation

Sustainable mining criteria are applied at the Gold and Silver Mine located within the borders of İvrindi District, Balıkesir Province.

Total Saleable Metal: 766,000 ounces / 23.8 tons of gold

1,511,000 ounces / 47 tons of silver

Mine Life: 9 years

Average Gold Grade: 0.62 g/t

Annual Production: 7.65 million tons

Initial Investment: $165 million

Employment: 1,250 people

Sustainable mining criteria are applied at the Gold and Silver Mine located within the borders of İvrindi District, Balıkesir Province.

Projects are developed to promote the economic development of the local population, as well as to improve education, health, infrastructure, local procurement, and local employment, ensuring social approval.

The heap leach area is made impermeable with 50 cm of compacted clay and high-density geomembrane. Its complete impermeability is tested and certified by public and independent auditors.

In the İvrindi operation, which started production in 2019 using the "Heap Leaching" method, ore produced from open pits is enriched with a 68.5% efficiency rate in a facility with an annual capacity of 7.76 million tons, obtaining gold and silver dore.

Ore is produced from 4 open pits using a blasting open-pit mining method at the mine.

Millisecond delayed blasting is used to loosen the rock in open pits, minimizing noise and vibration. After blasting, the ore is transported from the pits to the ore stockpile area with the help of excavators and trucks, while rocks without ore are transported to the waste dump area.

Ore, reduced to a particle size of 6 mm after passing through crushers, is sent to the agglomeration unit where it is combined with a cement-water mixture to form agglomerates, then transported by movable conveyors to the leach area where diluted cyanide solution is dripped over the spread ore to initiate the leaching process.

Through this process, gold and silver metal transferred to the liquid phase are recovered in the ADR unit, obtaining dore containing gold and silver.

Rehabilitation suitable for the natural habitat is carried out in every area where mining work is completed.