Before commencing its activities, TÜMAD, in consultation with academic experts, commits to protecting and enhancing flora, fauna, aquatic life, and ornithological elements throughout its operations, based on flora and fauna assessments.
Biodiversity Management and Rehabilitation
In line with the Biodiversity Action Plan and Balancing Strategy requirements for endemic species and critical habitats identified and recorded in the pre-activity phase, TÜMAD implements conservation programs and will restore used areas to their natural habitat post-mining activities. The protection of all living beings, stock populations, and the surrounding environment is routinely monitored using camera traps. Periodically, seeds of endemic plant species identified in the activity areas are collected and applied in the field to propagate the species. The seeds of endemic species collected are stored in the Seed Bank and propagated in seed physiology laboratories. TÜMAD provides annual training to all employees and close stakeholders on living harmoniously with nature and biodiversity, aiming to raise awareness of flora and fauna elements.